
On behalf of our veteran missionaries , our home team of volunteers, and Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Dr. Abe Daoud and I welcome you to our Saint Francis International Mission Program.

Formally begun in 2006, our international abilities have grown along with our experiences. We invite you to review our website, and contact us if you would like to serve. The only commandment we work under, is that all of our efforts, 24/7 when in country, are dedicated to helping our less fortunate sisters and brothers. The conditions we work under and the environments we travel to are difficult. We invite those special people with a serious commitment to help, to apply.

This website has been several years in the making. See the World, Make a Difference, and Change Your Life, is the philosophy our program operates under. Please peruse our Yellow Bus Video, the Crossroad TV segment, our Facebook entries, and these Blog Posts for topics of interest as we expand our program of service to others..


Michael Bourque MD
Blue Team Leader
Founding member St Francis IMM

Abe Daoud MD
Red Team Leader
Originator and Founding Member

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